Archive for September, 2010

welcome derrick oien, chumby’s new ceo!

September 23, 2010

chumby has a new head chumbian!  We’re delighted to announce that Derrick Oien has joined chumby industries as our new president and chief executive officer.  Derrick takes the helm at chumby as the company continues its growth and adds new functionality, new devices, and new partners.  So you’ll soon see the unique chumby streaming personalized internet media platform in many more places.  Expect Derrick to post on this blog soon introducing himself to all of you in the chumby community.

Company co-founder and former president and ceo, Steve Tomlin (i.e., your faithful scribe for all of these years), assumes the role of chairman of chumby industries and returns to his role as a partner at Avalon Ventures.

[So this blog is now Derrick’s, but maybe he’ll let me guest-post from time to time :^)]

Insignia Infocast is just another digital picture frame… or is it? ;^)

September 17, 2010

Perhaps more to this chumby-powered product than meets the eye.  And funny how none of this is mentioned on the packaging. ;^) ;^)

Not really a “tablet” because not really mobile — but perhaps something closer to the “Network Computer” that Oracle evangelized in the late 90s.  But with a touch screen… And chumby apps… And a lot more.

Certainly not for everyone, and not a replacement for your desktop PC… but very cool that this is available on the shelves of every Best Buy store, or here, for under $170! When was the last time you bought an inexpensive consumer electronics device and it turned out to be a lot more powerful than you thought?

If you actually want to try this hack (and not for the timid or anyone who is concerned about warranties), go here for more info.